2019-2020 Fellows

David Bunnell, MSMS, PA-C
David is Lead Medical Center PA at Washington DC VA Medical Center where he practices Cardiac Electrophysiology and specializes in arrhythmias and cardiac implantable electric devices. He currently serves as Vice President of the Association of PAs in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the APACVS, and the Editor of CardioVISION, a weekly publication distributed to over 6,000 PAs and surgeons in cardiac, thoracic, and vascular surgery. He also serves the American Academy of PAs as Chair of the Governance Commission and is Chief Delegate to the AAPA House of Delegates for APACVS. He received his Master of Science in Health Sciences at The George Washington University PA Program, his Bachelor of Science from MCP-Hahnemann University in EMS Management, and his Paramedic training at the Center for Emergency Medicine of Western Pennsylvania.

Matthew Kearney MS, MPAS, PA-C
Matthew worked for years as a Gravitational and Exercise Physiologist before obtaining his PA certiļ¬cation. During this time his research was focused on the phenomenon of cardiovascular drift and microgravity. He has worked for the past 9 years as a Primary Care PA in Hagerstown, MD. He also spends time working at his local urgent care and providing guest lectures at Frostburg University’s PA program. When he is not working, he spends time volunteering as a leader in his local Cub Scout Pack, is an avid runner, and enjoys spending time with his wife, son, and two daughters.

Jeff Russell, MMS, PA-C
While practicing clinically since graduating from AACC PA Program in 2013, Jeff began a significant relationship with his alma mater in 2016 as an increasingly frequent lecturer while also serving as clinical preceptor to second year PA students at St Agnes Hospital Emergency Department. In addition to instructing students in both rudimentary and emergency medicine-focused classes, Jeff applies his pre-PA experience as an anatomist and Certified Tissue Bank Specialist (CTBS) to lead the program’s human dissection course. Jeff looks forward to further honing his lecturing skills with a particular focus on student-centered pedagogy. His academic and clinical interests include exploring the potential and efficiency of online-based learning and telemedicine respectively, increasing access to healthcare for aspiring practitioners and patients alike in a system with growing needs outpacing growth of resources.
Kyle Schiller, MMS, PA-C
Kyle graduated from the Towson/CCBC PA program in 2017 after finishing his undergraduate studies at University of Maryland-College Park. Since graduation, Schiller has been working full-time in the Emergency Department at Baltimore Washington Medical Center. Recently, Schiller accepted a position as an Adjunct Faculty member with the AACC/UMB Collaborative Physician Assistant Program and completed his first semester as an educator. Soon thereafter, Dr. Cherilyn Hendrix discussed the remarkable opportunity with Physician Assistant Learning and Leadership Academy (PALLA). Schiller was immediately intrigued for the potential to expand his growing passion for PA education. Schiller says, “As a Physician Assistant, we are life-long learners, but with this opportunity I hope to be a life-long educator as well.”